Frequently Asked Questions

Is worth it for me to work with a coach?

My view is that if you do not know where to start, how to execute a plan or strategy (toward a goal), and you are seeking accountability, then you or your organization could benefit from working with a coach to achieve your goal(s).

What is the coaching process like?

I meet with a prospective client or customer initially to determine if I would be a fit based on my background, your goals and timeline, my availability, etc. We discuss follow-up meetings and their frequency. I generally have a good idea about the optimal frequency. It is ultimately about what you or your organization is trying to achieve.

Do you work with any one group of professionals?

I have coached all levels of professionals in the U.S. and abroad, including executives and leaders. I want to help leaders, current or emerging, strengthen their presence, decide how to transition career-wise effectively, communicate more effectively, and improve as high-level professionals who are or would like to be more visible.

How does your pricing work?

My prices vary. Once we chat, we will establish which package, model, or approach would work best for you.

Will you tell me what I should do next?

It depends. My goal is for a client to self-discover. I might present questions or inquiries so you, as the client, can best make a decision and create a plan. There are moments when I will share information or new considerations based on my knowledge and expertise – this is when I wear my “consultant hat.” I customize my approach for each client.

What makes you different from other coaches?

As a coach, I am attentive and encouraging, and I challenge my clients. I am also creative with solid experience working with clients from across every sector and approximately 12 industries or fields. Additionally, please have a look at the other pages on this site, which detail my background and credentials.